Dolphin Watching

Departures from Portinho da Arrábida
year-round for dolphin watching.

Dolphin watching trips

Portinho Divers offers exciting dolphin watching boat trips in the stunning Portinho da Arrábida all year round. With experienced guides and safe and suitable boats, we provide a unique and unforgettable experience surrounded by nature, where you can see up close the beauty and grace of dolphins in their natural habitat. Come explore the crystal clear waters of Arrábida and create memories of magical moments with these incredible marine mammals.

Departures all year round

Departures everyday of the week

Boarding/disembarking location: Portinho da Arrábida

Facilities: PORTINHO DIVERS reception center (with WC)

Some photographs of our clients

Learn more about what we can observe


When we say “Cetaceans”  we are talking about whales and dolphins.

They are mostly marine animals, but there are also freshwater animals (Boto).

They are mammals: they breathe through lungs, are warm-blooded, and nurse their young.

Bottlenose dolphins

Common name: Roazes ou Roazes Corvineiros (Portuguese)
Bottlenose dolphin (English)

Scientific name: Tursiops truncatus

Characteristics: Length can vary from 2 to 4 meters, weight can range from 150 to 600 kg, soft body, the dorsal area is dark grayish, the flanks are light gray and the ventral area is white, the reproductive season goes from spring to summer.


Popular name: Golfinho comum ou Toninha (Portuguese)
Common Dolphin (English)

Scientific name: Delphinus delphis

Characteristics: Slender body, beak-shaped snout, yellowish lateral spot, hourglass-shaped, length varies between 164 and 201 cm.